Frequently Asked Questions
I closed the page and forgot to download my invoice / receipt to expense with my company. Is there a way to access it again?

You should have received an email confirmation for your event registrations. A receipt will be in this confirmation email as well - check your spam folder! 

If you're still unable to locate your receipt, please email and we'll be able to send you another one.

I'm registering for the Portugal event - why is there a tax being added to my conference fee?

Due to local tax laws, a mandatory 23% tax is being added to the conference fee for anyone attending the Lisbon, Portugal Hunt Club event.

I wanted to add my partner/spouse to my hotel reservation and I'm unable to edit the number of people in the hotel reservation page.

Through the registration process, you're limited to one person per room. To add a second person, please email with the name of your partner/spouse and we'll work with the hotel to accommodate this request.

Please remember, all Hunt Club activities, events and sessions are limited to Hunt Club attendees ONLY, and are not open to anyone else.

I need an invitation letter to apply for a visa to attend Hunt Club. Where can I get this?

Please email with this request and we’ll be able to assist you.

Can I see session information before I arrive?

Yes, we will be updating the agenda, speaker roster and other details on an ongoing basis. Keep checking the Hunt Club website for updates. Sessions for both Charlotte, North Carolina and Lisbon, Portugal are the same!

Will Vectra AI cover the cost of my flights to Hunt Club?

Vectra AI will not cover flights to and from Hunt Club.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to

Will Vectra AI cover my cost of my hotel room?

The cost of your hotel room for Hunt Club 2024 is covered in your conference fee. When you register for the conference, you will reserve a room in your name as part of the registration process.

Is there a registration fee to attend this conference?

Every year, we’re honored to have the opportunity to host you, our customers, for an in-person user conference. As our customer base grows, so does the planning needed to make sure you’re getting the best experience possible.  The cost of the conference pass for Hunt Club 2024 is $1,200 USD.  This cost covers your hotel stay for three nights, meals throughout the entire conference and a special evening event each night.

Who should attend Hunt Club 2024?

Professionals who will benefit from participating in Hunt Club range from hands-on users of the Vectra AI Platform all the way to senior-level cybersecurity leaders. We’ll be covering the Vectra AI Platform roadmap, identity, SaaS and cloud threat vectors, SOC modernization, and much, much more. There’s something for everyone!